Inspired by religious alliances such as the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. SACRED COMMUNION (Spiritualist): Members of this federation are bound together by a divine mission to preserve and share the Truth by whatever means it may be deemed necessary. Makes members, specially the President, pretty strong when dealing with the Galactic Community. Inspired by unions made by countries who wish to strenghten their influence upon world politics, such as the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the new East African Federation. It's a Federation where you can't maintain an independent fleet but allows access to an unlimited Federation Fleet.ĭIPLOMATIC ASSOCIATION (Xenophile): A congregation of many entities with common interests who adopt the same agenda to increase their soft power and allow for a more profound impact within the realm of intergalactical politics. Inspired by the historical birth of the US from the union of the Thirteen Colonies. Gets massive build speed bonuses and access to strategic resources even if they aren't exploitable within your borders.ĭEFENSIVE COALITION (Pacifist): A federation whose main purpose is to ensure the territorial integrity of all its member-states through heavy investments in defense. Inspired by IRL economic blocs such as the Benelux and the European Coal and Steel Community. PROSPERITY BLOC (Egalitarian): This federation emphasizes on mutual cooperation between its members to assure a rapid industrial and economic growth to enhance social welfare. Here's a short description for Federation types:

This mod adds a bunch of new federation types, perks and laws.