Sabrina's first appearances seem to be more than a little inspired by the seductive Kim Novak witch in the romantic comedy Bell, Book, and Candle for example, in Sabrina's earliest appearances, she stated she would lose her magical powers if she ever fell in love, just as Kim Novak's character states in the film Bell, Book, and Candle. Though not the first character of her type, Sabrina is one of the oldest on-going urban fantasy characters in English-language fiction, created two years before the television series Bewitched appeared on the air and decades before the first appearance of Harry Potter or Mildred Hubble or the Halliwell Sisters. In the later live-action TV series, she is half-human and half-witch, and her parents are specifically forbidden from seeing her. No explanation is given for why Sabrina lives with her aunts instead of her parents.

The family is often visited by Sabrina's cousin Ambrose, a lazy jetsetter male witch (sometimes called a "warlock" in the series) who often tries unsuccessfully to appear trendy and stylish but whose protective love and respect for his younger cousin (sometimes called his niece) Sabrina have no limits. Sabrina lives with her aunts, Hilda and Zelda, both of whom prefer to ignore the mortal world and would prefer the mortal world to ignore them in return. In the comic books, she has a fondness for harmless pranks but hates to see anyone else truly unhappy and often tries to help out any unhappy person she comes across. She is highly intelligent, high-spirited, creative, and earns good grades in school without ever having to resort to magic. Created by Archie Comics writer George Gladir and Archie Comics artist Dan DeCarlo in 1962 and still popular more than half a century later, Sabrina is an average teenaged girl in the Archie Comics universe who happens to be a full-blooded witch with nearly unlimited power in the urban fantasy portion of the Archies Comics universe in which Sabrina lives, the term "witch" refers to her species, not to her religion.